For Sales Pros
Track real-time sales and inventory for your products across all retailer accounts in one convenient dashboard.
Boost your salesEasily send invitations to your retail partners through TrackFly Connections.
After accepting the invite, retailers can create a free account, connect their POS to TrackFly in under 5 minutes, and collaborate through a shared analytics dashboard showing real-time insights.
Easily send invitations to your retail partners through TrackFly Connections.
After accepting the invite, retailers can create a free account, connect their POS to TrackFly in under 5 minutes, and collaborate through a shared analytics dashboard showing real-time insights.
See what can happen to your sales when using TrackFly’s tools to better collaborate with specialty retailers on inventory management.
See HereSee how
Access to real-time analytics highlighting low inventory levels for the products you sell, enabling you to discover refill order opportunities all in one platform.
Find a refill orderSee how
Come to your retailer accounts already informed of their specific needs and proactively prepare refill orders before you visit their store.
See your retailer's needsSee how
Spend less time figuring out what your retailers need and more time chasing new accounts you can easily manage from anywhere in the world.
Save more timeHelp your retailer accounts avoid stockouts or empty-size runs with access to real-time analytics highlighting low inventory levels for the products you sell.
Help your retailer accounts avoid stockouts or empty-size runs with access to real-time analytics highlighting low inventory levels for the products you sell.
Come to your retailer accounts already informed of their specific needs and proactively prepare inventory recommendations before you walk in the door or give them a call.
Spend less time figuring out what your retailers need and more time chasing new accounts you can easily manage from anywhere in the world.