Ryan Harrison
Founder of Lamson

Worth 100X our investment.

"With TrackFly's platform we've found growth opportunities worth 100X our investment. We can see accurate data from specialty wholesale telling us our market share trends, top selling products and real-time sell-through performance for Lamson products on retail floors. It's a game changer."

What to expect with your demo

  • Learn how you can start connecting to real-time sell-through and inventory reports from your specialty retailers.
  • See how you can better forecast consumer demand with marketshare trends and other benchmark analytics.
  • Understand how you can use the TrackFly platform to discover new revenue generating opportunities in specialty wholesale.

Ryan Harrison
Founder of Lamson

Worth 100X our investment.

"With TrackFly's platform we've found growth opportunities worth 100X our investment. We can see accurate data from specialty wholesale telling us our marketshare trends, top selling products and real-time sell-through performance for Lamson products on retail floors. It's a game changer."

What to expect with your demo

  • Learn how you can start connecting to real-time sell-through and inventory reports from your specialty retailers.
  • See how you can better forecast consumer demand with marketshare trends and other benchmark analytics.
  • Understand how you can use the TrackFly platform to discover new revenue generating opportunities in specialty wholesale.